neděle 28. listopadu 2010


Starsi syn Michael Jan oslavil 24 listopadu 19 narozeniny. Sesla se u nas na oslavu cela rodina a protoze bylo vsude plno snehu,pripadalo mi to spis jako vanoce nez konec listopadu.

Son Michael Jan celebrated 19th birthday on November 24th. The whole family got together and because there was so much snow it felt more like Christmas holidays than the end of November.
Happy Birthday Michael!!!

Nase cubicka Tess se okamzite nabali snehem jen kdyz se jde vycurat, Neil ji v patek odklidil snih pred domem. Vecer se uz oteplilo a zacalo prset a behem vikendu snih pomalu ale jiste tal.

Our Tess gets covered with snow just stepping out to pee so Friday Neil cleared some space for her in the front of the house. By the evening it was warmer and raining.

Pri dnesni prochazce uz nebylo po snehu ani pamatky

The snow was gone when we went for a walk today.

......a jeste obrazkovy navod na vyrobu ozdoby z blogu Spunky Junky

.......and a cute ornament tutorial at Spunky Junky blog

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čtvrtek 25. listopadu 2010

Ozdoba - Ornament

Pssss je to prekvapeni..... a jestli chcete vedet vic o tomhle ptackovi, musite navstivit Bobbi :))

Shhhh it's a surprise.... and if you want to find more about this little bird you have to visit Bobbi :))

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neděle 21. listopadu 2010

inspirace- inspiration

Troska vanocni inspirace z mych oblibenych webovych stranek Martha Stewart. VAROVANI, nevstupujte pokud nemate dostatek casu :)))

Little bit of Christmas inspiration from my favorite Martha Stewart website. WARNING, do not enter if you don't have enough time to browse :)))

Tvoreni ze sisek

Pinecones crafts

Take tento "patchwork" stromecek z blogu Lucky Star Lane se mi moc libi.

I also like this "patchwork" tree from Lucky Star Lane blog.

......a jeste spousty odkazu na strankach blogu I am only 1 woman

.....and tons of links at I am only 1 woman blog

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středa 17. listopadu 2010

Nakrcnik - Cowl

Konecne jsem si upletla nakrcnik! Mela jsem to v planu uz od minule zimy ale nejak jsem ten plan stale odkladala.Nevim proc,z tluste prize byl upleteny behem dvou veceru a to jen diky tomu,ze jsem si vybrala tenhle vzorek a tak jsem pri pleteni stale pocitala ocka.

Finally I made a cowl for myself. I planed to make one last winter but I was putting it off. I don't know why, using a thick wool it was done in two evenings and that's only because I chose a pattern which I had to count throughout the whole work.

Od Hortenzie a Evikovo vysivani jsem dostala krasne oceneni. Evicky, mockrat dekuji!!

Pravidla udělení ocenění:
Poděkovat osobě, která vám ocenění věnovala
Umístit logo o nominaci na svém blogu
Dát odkaz na osobu, která vám ocenění věnovala
Nominovat 10 blogů a přidat odkazy na tyto blogy
Poslat komentář o nominaci na nominované blogy

Many thanks to Evikovo vysivani and Hortenzie for this award!!

The rules are :
Post the link of the person who nominated you
Put the award logo on your blog
Nominate 10 blogs, link them on your blog and notify them about the nomination
Nominovani - Nominees:

Vercin blog
Helen's home
Sandra living
Redneval Lavander
Svet bublinek
M's Art Impressions
Bobbi's Art

A jeste se musim zminit o soutezi,ktera probiha u Patricie - All Seasons a to o starozitne ceske formicky !

I also have to mention Patricia - All Seasons, who is having a great giveaway. You can win antique Czech cookie molds !

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pondělí 15. listopadu 2010

Uprseny vikend - Rainy weekend

Dalsi sedivy vikend....... uz me to pomalu dostava na kolena a to je teprve pulka listopadu. Skrobeni hackovanych zvonecku me ale zvedlo naladu :)) Chlebove tycinky ji jeste dale vylepsily! K tomu olivy, syr,sklenice piva, to rozjasni ten nejsedivejsi den:))

Another gray's only November and I am feeling blue. Starching crocheted bells lifted my mood :)) Bread sticks made me feel even better! With olives, cheese and glass of beer the gray day looks instantly brighter :))

Nova, stara vykrajovatka.

New, old cookie cutters

Chlebove tycky
1 1/2 hrnku vody
2 lzice suseneho mleka
1/4 hrnky olivoveho oleje
2 lzice medu
1 1/2 lzicky soli
lzicka kminu
salvej,bazalka,tymian a rozmaryn
1hrnek bile mouky
2 1/4 hrnky celozrne mouky
1 hrnek rezne mouky
2 lzicky suseneho drozdi
Dame do domaci pekarny v tomto poradi,nastavime na testo. Kdyz je vykynute, vyvalime tycinky, potreme olejem a posypeme smesi hrube soli kminu a bylinek Peceme prudceji ve vyhrate troube.

Bread sticks
1 1/2 cups water
2 tbsp dry milk
1/4 cup olive oil
2 tbsp honey
1 1/2 tsp salt
1tsp caraway seeds
sage,thyme, basil ,rosemary
1cup white flour
2 1/2 whole wheat flour
1 cup rye flour
2 tsp yeast.
Put ingredients into the bread maker in this order, set to dough. When finished roll out the sticks,brush with oil and season with rock sea salt, caraway seeds and herbs. Bake at 375 F in preheated oven.

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neděle 14. listopadu 2010

Tarino Bambino

Zvu vas na navstevu noveho blogu me talentovane dcery Terezy :) Jsem rada, ze si nasla cas a rozhodla se zalozit svuj prvni blog a doufam ze tam najdete nejakou inspiraci.

I am inviting you to visit my talented daughter Tereza's new blog :) I am glad that she found the time and decided to create her first blog and I also hope that you will find some inspiration there.


Tady je maly priklad, nausnice ktere vyrabi z trsatek na kytaru a peri, nektere jsou rucne malovane. 

Here is a little example, earrings she makes from guitar pics and feathers. Some of them are hand painted.

Doufam,ze jste si vsichni uzili vikend.
I hope you all enjoyed the weekend.
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čtvrtek 11. listopadu 2010

Vlocky - Snowflakes

Konecne jsem se dostala k naskrobeni dalsich vlocek ktere prubezne hackuji. Nektere popisy jsou vlozene tady na blogu a jeden novy priklladam.

Finally I starched some of the snowflakes that I am continuously working on. Some of the charts are on the blog here and I am including a new one.

Prosim podivejte se take na blog k Bobbi. Je moc sikovna, moc rada navstevuji jeji blog :)

Me dve vlocky jsou variace na popis, ktery vytvorila.

Please check out Bobbi's blog as well. She is so talented and I love her blog :)

My two snowflakes are variations of her new pattern.

Bobbis snowflake !
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středa 3. listopadu 2010

Vychod slunce - Sunrise

Musim se s vami podelit o tyto zabery.Vychazejici slunce dnes v osm hodin.Zvedla jsem oci od pocitace a stresnim oknem videla tenhle "pozar".Okamzite jsem vybehla ven a zvecnila tu pomijivou krasu............

I have to share these snapshots. Today's sunrise at eight o'clock. I lifted my eyes from the computer and through the skylight I saw this "fire". Immediately I ran outside and captured this fleeing beauty...........

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úterý 2. listopadu 2010

Hvezda cislo dve - Star number two

Hackovana cepice pro Makeefa.Zaklad prevzaty z meho oblibeneho popisu,upraveny podle potreby.Na zadost dcery bez usnich dilu a z ksiltikem :)

Crochet hat for Makeef from my favorite hat pattern, customized to my daughters liking. No ear flaps and added brim :)

Ze by se plnil muj letni sen o klidnych zimnich vecerech? Tedy zatim jeste podzimnich ale nicmene, vcera jsem uhackovat dalsi vanocni

Is my summer dream about peaceful winter evenings coming true? For now it's only autumn but never the less, yesterday I crocheted another Christmas star.

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